WOMEN EMPOWERMENT INTRODUCTION- WOMEN EMPOWERMENT: NEED OF THE HOUR! Under society’s patriarchal approach being born as a girl is in itself a challenge. Supposedly, having a girl child is nothing less than a curse. Under such circumstances, society feels pleasure in making women feel inferior. A woman is considered to be society’s legal property wherein her limits are already pre-decided by stakeholders of the society. Women led a life of misery since customs like dowry, child marriage, sati crept in. Today, we are at a point where women have to fight for their basic rights like equality and liberty. In short, not much has changed as far as the stature of women is concerned in society. Exploiting women everywhere ranging from schools, colleges, offices, and even at their homes is something that a woman is made to accept just because 'she is a woman.' The increase in the crime rate against women in recent times says all about their pathetic and vulnerable...
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